It is indicated that a dog responds to this technique similarly to a human. In the population there are 80% of individuals sensitive to acupuncture, 10% are very sensitive, and one session is all they need, and 10% are low responders, and then this technique is not very suitable. The big advantage is that painful or inflammatory conditions can be very well controlled even in those animals which have some other systemic disorders (e.g. renal insufficiency, heart failure, hormonal dysfunction, etc.), or, alternatively, the administration of conventional analgesics has significant side effects on them.
Using acupuncture one can solve or positively affect for example these diseases:
- Joint pain, particularly in connection with osteoarthritis and dysplasia.
- Back pain, often caused by a damaged intervertebral disc or spondylosis.
- Ligament damage (incl. the cranial cruciate ligament injury) and tendons in general. Inflammation of the biceps tendon in the shoulder.
- Neurological diseases like paralysis of the peripheral nerves (eg. the facial nerve) or cauda equina syndrome.
- Incontinence due especially to the bladder sphincter dysfunction.
- Certain immune mediated diseases (e.g. polyarthritis). Generally, through acupuncture one can balance the immune system to normal.
- Acupuncture as part of rehabilitation: after spinal surgery, after the so-called infarction of the spinal cord, after some types of total paralysis, etc.
- As a stimulating and toning method in general weakness, after suffering severe illness or injury, in old age.
- As an adjunctive technique in chronic renal failure, accompanied by loss of appetite and vomiting.
- Certain skin problems (eg. acral lick granuloma).
And many other disorders or diseases.